Trade Genetics, Trade Genetics Frozen Semen Import-Export Service: Bridging the Gap in Canine Genetics Worldwide. Trade Genetics. Are you a passionate dog breeder or an enthusiast seeking to expand your breeding program with the finest genetic lines from around the globe? Look no further! We are thrilled to introduce our Frozen ... 26 Jul 2023 Blog
Trade Genetics, Trade Genetics Artificial Insemination with Fresh Semen The easiest and least technical form of canine artificial insemination is an artificial insemination with fresh semen (also can be used with chilled collection), when the semen is collected from a dog... 19 May 2023 Blog
Trade Genetics, Trade Genetics What Is Progesterone? Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries and placenta that helps to maintain pregnancy. Its main effects on tissues inside the body include: induction of an elaborate network of glands (endom... 18 May 2023 Blog
Trade Genetics, Trade Genetics Transcervical Insemination (TCI) Transcervical Insemination (TCI) is a technique in which a rigid endoscope is used to locate the cervix and pass a catheter through it for intrauterine insemination of frozen semen without the need fo... 18 May 2023 Blog
Trade Genetics, Trade Genetics History of Canine Artificial Insemination Many, many years ago, scientists tried to freeze dogs’ semen. It was so long ago that it is even hard to imagine that even at that time as early as 16th century people were thinking about something th... 18 May 2023 Blog
Trade Genetics, Trade Genetics Truths and Myths of Conception Rates in Canine Reproduction There is a very common misconception among a lot of breeders that if they pay for any assisted reproductive procedure, they are guaranteed to have pups. There is never 100% guarantee for anything in t... 18 May 2023 Blog
Trade Genetics, Trade Genetics Our Mission Trade Genetics was established in 2004 with one and only purpose: to give Irish breeders the access to the latest services in canine reproduction available in the world and to enable them to bring in ... 18 May 2023 Mission
Trade Genetics, Trade Genetics History of Trade Genetics 1994 A first artificial insemination with fresh semen was performed on the premises. 1998 Semen collection and freezing was conducted successfully, using and American extender which is still being use... 18 May 2023 History of Trade Genetics